At first, it was just a crap job at a roadside taco stand. 

When the cities started emptying and their former residents became refugees, stopping by for one last solid meal before fleeing into the wasteland, it became an act of service.

Now, it's just you and the desert, and a horde of scavengers and raiders in the distance. You could run, but let's be honest--it's YOUR taco stand now. And you have nowhere else to go. 

Manually pilot a collection of old food prep bots-turned-DIY-combat drones and fight off the approaching raiders as best you can, for as long as you can.

(This game was created for the GameDev.TV 2024 game jam and was a huge learning experience for me. While I wasn't able to create the game I had envisioned in the time allowed, I learned a ton and plan to keep working on it after the jam rating period is over. Thanks for playing!)

Published 17 days ago
Made withGodot
Tags2D, Global Game Jam, Pixel Art


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With a body count of 150 enemies, I'm pretty sure my taco stand has enough wasteland meat to last a loooong time.

lolol "Taqueria Ultima tacos are PEOPLE?!!"

Thanks for playing :)